Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A new beginning

As the title says - this is a new beginning - for me, my weight loss journey and my endeavour to get healthy.

It has been a hectic year this year - we have had lots on the go and needless to say, my health and weight have taken a back seat - totally my own fault but now I have to make a decision on what I am going to do - am I going to continue on the path that I am on - the road to self destruction or am I going to do something positive about it and LOSE THIS WEIGHT AND GET HEALTHY !

I have decided to go with the second option - at this stage I am going to try to do it with the help of Dr Phil (the source of my blog title). I have bought his weight loss book off e-bay and I have a slightly used journal which I am going to use and I am going to give this a go.

I thought that seeing as I was no longer working I would be eating more but I have hardly had a chance to sit down in the week that I have been off (who said Mom's who don't work sit around all day doing nothing ??????). Which leads me to the first problem I have come across - when I don't plan any meals during the day at all - it is too easy to buy something quickly on the run and generally, those are not good options. While I am trying to do this a bit at a time, I think that if I can get through this week without doing too much more damage to myself, I can try to plan next week a little better. It should be easier - no school and K at home to help motivate me.

On that note I am off to do some work with Dr Phil and see what he has to say to me.

Thought for the Day : Most people are as happy as they make their minds up to be


Margaret said...

Hi. *hugs*. Hi again :) So this is the start of it all and you have made a brilliant start. I love your blog title, and the inspiration. Dr Phils book is filled with a great common sense approach but he also gets into your head. I think you will do very well.

And fresh starts are sometimes what the soul needs. Sweep out the old, forget the past, and just focus on the now and the future.

I am so happy to see you again Linda, it has been too long, and too many things have happened. I hope you guys are well and safe and out of the storms danger zone.

We will talk soon.. xx

Chubbymum said...

Well done hun. I am going to go back and read Dr Phil's book. I started reading it and gave up... such will power. So it will be great to see your thoughts on your blog.
