Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A better day

Today was a better day for me - but then K was with me and that really makes all the difference. She is just so funny and comes out with the most outrageous things at times. Where she gets her imagination from I have no idea - at no time have I ever seen this trait in either myself or A so how come she has such a vivid imagination is anyone's guess. But, it is great having her around and I am savouring these last few days with her.

I didn't go to gym today - I woke up this morning and my muscles felt sooooooooo tired so I gave it a break. Went back to the acupuncturist who has changed the herbs yet again - she also needled in different places so hopefully this will be the turning point for me. My hayfever had definitely improved before I got sick but since the weekend, my itchy eyes, ears and throat and sneezing are back with avengance again.

K and I did go for a walk this afternoon although it was only for 45 mins - I had a dreadful headache but knew that if I didn't walk I was going to battle to make my 8000 steps per day and really, it wasn't too bad once we were out there although it was bloody hot. I am sure that I didn't feel any different to if I had just stayed at home reading my book - actually I probably felt better for having got out there and got the endorphins going.

Tonight I went to lectures - although would gladly have given them a miss if I could have - got home and had dinner and now I am just busy cooking the herbs before going to have a shower and get into bed with my book.

I have said no to a quite a few food items today which would not have helped me in my quest to lose weight so am really happy about that. Since joining the 12 week challenge, I am now accountable for what I put in my mouth and it has made me much more aware of just how many little things had crept into my mouth which were not conducive to weight loss. I have had only 1 softdrink in the past week which is just fantastic as I was probably drinking about 1-2L of softdrinks per day - and not diet ones either !!!!! I have to say that I am feeling a lot better for having cut out the softdrinks - my only complaint is that my skin has gone to the dogs - I don't know what it is but I have had such breakouts (I never even had anything like this when I was a teenager) over the past couple of weeks. Very strange as I am eating so much more healthily (is there such a word ??) - no chocolates (except for those 4 Lindt balls) - minimal softdrinks and yet my skin is worse than ever. Oh well - at some point it will have to improve.

Anyway, have a great day and take care !

Thought for the day : To live life to the fullest is to see the world as a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.


Anne said...

Your daughter sounds such a sweetie and I think she gets this trait from her mum! Pleased you had a better day:-)

I always appreciate your comments. Thanks:-)

Julie's Journey said...

So sorry your not well. Maybe your skin is just the toxins coming out (but dont quote me on that). It's hard isnt it but you are doing so well. Keep it up.